Monday morning –Currently The US 10 year Treasury is at 3.495% highest since April 2011 as US stocks enter a bear market as S&P 500 closes at lowest in 2022.
Below rates are based on Friday June 10th, please check out our today’s mortgage rates at (Rate will be updated around noon every day)
Last Friday, The conventional loan rate for 30 year fixed went up to 5.00%. Today’s rate will be much higher.
The Consumer Price Index rose by 8.6% annually in May from 8.3% in April
本日13日の朝、S&P 500は、2022年の最低値を差し、今後の弱気市場を示唆した事から米国10年債は、2011年4月以来の3.495%まで上昇し、3.43%で引ける。
以下の金利は6月10日金曜日のものです。先週の金曜日時点で、30年固定コンベンショナルローンは、5%。 で今日の住宅ローン金利をチェックしてください(レートは毎日正午頃に更新されます)
We have special pricings for developer units only for A’alii
Special rate for Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
BELOW CURRENT MARKET – Funds are limited.
Developer Units for A’aliiを居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上、 クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。

2nd Home 0.25 points more
Investment 0.25% more to the rate. (Points are the same)
We have special pricings for KOULA Ward Village
Special rate for Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment (or 10% with ASB HELOC)
KOULA WARD VILLAGE を居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上,クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。FUNDには、限りがありますのでお早目にご連絡下さい
BELOW CURRENT MARKET – Funds are limited.
2nd Home & Investment (US Citizen or Green Card holder) at least 25% down payment / Fico 740
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$822,376 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today (ASB金利レート) !
(Rate will be updated around noon every day/毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです。)
Please stay healthy and be safe!
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant.
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant.