American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update Sep 2, 2022 / SPECIAL RATES for developer units only for A’alii & Koula & Koa Ridge

Hope you had a wonderful Labor day weekend!
Mortgage rate went up this week as 10 Year Note Yield went above 3.20% this week (highest since June 28th 2022).
The S&P Case-Shiller 20-City Home Price Index for June rose 18.6% annually, down from 20.5% in May.
The U.S. National Home Price NSA Index, covering all nine U.S. census divisions, saw an 18.0% annual gain in June, down from 19.9% in the previous month.
The Unemployment Rate rose to 3.7% from 3.5%.
Average hourly earnings slipped to 0.3%
米国10 年債利回りが今週 3.20% を超えたため(6月28日以来の3%越え)住宅金利も上昇。
6 月の S&P Case-Shiller 20 は、年率 18.6% 上昇したものの、5 月の 20.5% からは下落
米国国勢調査の 9 つの部門すべてをカバーする米国全国住宅価格 NSA 指数は、6月年率比18.0%の上昇を記録、しかし5月の19.9% から下落
失業率は 3.5% から 3.7% に上昇
We have special pricings for developer units only for A’alii & Koula Ward Village & Koula & Koa Ridge
Must record by September 30, 2022 (30 days lock extension available with additional 0.50% points)
–A’alii –
Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment( or10% down payment with ASB HELOC) / Fico 740 above
Developer Units for A’aliiを居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上、クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。
0.50 ポイント追加で30日間のlock extensionも可能
2nd Home 0.25 points more
Investment 0.25% more to the ra0te. (Points are the same)
2nd Home / Require 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
3.50% / 1.75 points
3.625%/ 1.25 points
3.75 %/ 0.75 points
Investment / Require 25% down payment / Fico 740 above
3.75% / 1.50 points
3.875%/ 1.00 points
4.00 %/ 0.50 points
–KOULA Ward Village–
Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment (or 10% with ASB HELOC) / Fico 740 above
2nd Home / Require 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
KOULA WARD VILLAGE を居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上,クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。FUNDには、限りがありますのでお早目にご連絡下さい。(登記日9/30まで)
2nd Home & Investment (US Citizen or Green Card holder) at least 25% down payment / Fico 740
4.75 % / 1.75 Points
4.875%/ 1.50 Points
5.00% / 1.00 Points
Investment/ Require 25% down payment / Fico 740 above
5.00% / 1.75 Points
5.125%/ 1.50 Points
5.25% / 1.00 Points
–Koa Ridge-
Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
4.625 % / 1.625 points
4.75 % / 1.125 points
4.875% / 0.625 points
5.00 % / 0 points
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$822,376 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |
American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update August 26, 2022 / SPECIAL RATES for developer units only for A’alii & Koula & Koa Ridge

10 year ARM 3.625% with 2.625 points are also available.
Mortgage rate went up this week as 10 Year Note Yield went above 3% this week (highest since July 20th 2022).
Historically, the 10 Year Note Yield reached 15.84% in 1981 as the Fed raised benchmark rates in an effort to contain inflation.
Annual average mortgage rate was 16.63% in 1981
1981 annual inflation rate was 10.32%
July Pending Home Sales fell 1.8% versus the -4% expected and up from -8.9% in June.
10年ARM 3.625% with 2.625 points でもご提供しております。
米国10 年債利回りが今週 3% を超えたため(7月20日以来の3%越え)、住宅金利も上昇。
1981年に、FRB はインフレを抑えるためにベンチマーク レートを引き上げたことから10年債利回りが市場最高15.84% まで達した。
1981 年の年間平均住宅ローン金利は 16.63%
1981 年の年間インフレ率は 10.32%
7 月の住宅販売は、予想された -4% に対して 1.8% 下落し、6 月の -8.9% から上昇
We have special pricings for developer units only for A’alii & Koula Ward Village & Koula & Koa Ridge
Must record by September 30, 2022 (30 days lock extension available with additional 0.50% points)
–A’alii –
Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment( or10% down payment with ASB HELOC) / Fico 740 above
Developer Units for A’aliiを居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上、 クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。
2nd Home 0.25 points more
Investment 0.25% more to the ra0te. (Points are the same)
2nd Home / Require 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
3.50% / 1.75 points
3.625%/ 1.25 points
3.75 %/ 0.75 points
Investment / Require 25% down payment / Fico 740 above
3.75% / 1.50 points
3.875%/ 1.00 points
4.00 %/ 0.50 points
–KOULA Ward Village–
Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment (or 10% with ASB HELOC) / Fico 740 above
2nd Home / Require 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
KOULA WARD VILLAGE を居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上,クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。FUNDには、限りがありますのでお早目にご連絡下さい。(登記日9/30まで)
2nd Home & Investment (US Citizen or Green Card holder) at least 25% down payment / Fico 740
4.75 % / 1.75 Points
4.875%/ 1.50 Points
5.00% / 1.00 Points
Investment/ Require 25% down payment / Fico 740 above
5.00% / 1.75 Points
5.125%/ 1.50 Points
5.25% / 1.00 Points
–Koa Ridge-
Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
4.625 % / 1.625 points
4.75 % / 1.125 points
4.875% / 0.625 points
5.00 % / 0 points
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$822,376 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |
American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update August 19, 2022 / SPECIAL RATES for developer units only for A’alii & Koula & Koa Ridge

Mortgage rate went up from last week as US 10 year note went up to 2.98% from 2.84 last week.
July Housing Starts were -9.6 % down from June to an annual rate of 1.446M units versus 1.540M expected. It was the lowest read since February 2021.
Permits were -1.3% from June to 1.674M units vs 1.650M expected.
The probability for a 50bp hike is 55%, a 75bp hike, 45%.
Next FOMC meeting : September 20-21
米国の 10 年債が先週の金曜日2.84% から 2.98% に上昇したため、住宅ローンの金利も上昇。
7 月の住宅着工件数は、6 月と比較し9.6%減少し 2021年2月以来の最低値だった。
住宅許可は 6 月から1.3%減少
次回のFOMCで50bp の上昇の確率は 55%、75bp の上昇の確率は 45%
We have special pricings for developer units only for A’alii & Koula Ward Village & Koula & Koa Ridge
Must record by September 30, 2022
–A’alii –
Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment( or10% down payment with ASB HELOC) / Fico 740 above
Developer Units for A’aliiを居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上、 クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。
2nd Home 0.25 points more
Investment 0.25% more to the ra0te. (Points are the same)
2nd Home / Require 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
3.50% / 1.75 points
3.625%/ 1.25 points
3.75 %/ 0.75 points
Investment / Require 25% down payment / Fico 740 above
3.75% / 1.50 points
3.875%/ 1.00 points
4.00 %/ 0.50 points
–KOULA Ward Village–
Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment (or 10% with ASB HELOC) / Fico 740 above
2nd Home / Require 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
KOULA WARD VILLAGE を居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上,クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。FUNDには、限りがありますのでお早目にご連絡下さい。(登記日9/30まで)
2nd Home & Investment (US Citizen or Green Card holder) at least 25% down payment / Fico 740
4.75 % / 1.75 Points
4.875%/ 1.50 Points
5.00% / 1.00 Points
Investment/ Require 25% down payment / Fico 740 above
5.00% / 1.75 Points
5.125%/ 1.50 Points
5.25% / 1.00 Points
–Koa Ridge-
Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
4.625 % / 1.625 points
4.75 % / 1.125 points
4.875% / 0.625 points
5.00 % / 0 points
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$822,376 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |

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主な取り扱いブランドは、Nike、Adidas、Jordan、Yeezy、Supreme、Bearbrickなど。数量限定デザインや日本未発売商品、人気デザイナーブランドやセレブリティとのコラボ商品といった超レアなスニーカーも入荷しています。オリジナルグレイルのロゴ入りのTシャツやショーツ、キャップなどのオリジナル商品も扱っています。同店は毎日午前11時から夜9時まで営業しています。詳しくは、 をご覧ください。
オリジナルグレイル(Original Grail)
電話:(808) 200-2064
営業時間:毎日11:00 – 21:00
ロイヤル・ハワイアン・センター ワイキキ・スチールギター・フェスティバル2022

公演スケジュール 7/12(火)5:30pm – ポール・アガー 7/13(水)5:30pm – グレッグ・サルディーニャ&ポオケラ 7/14(木)5:30pm – アラン・アカカ&ザ・アイランダース 7/15(金)4:00pm – マット・コバヤシ 7/16(土)11:00am – グレッグ・サルディーニャ&ポオケラ マルニウ・エンターテインメント サマープロモーション実施中 ロイヤル・ハワイアン・センターへお越しの際には、駐車バリデーションサービスをご利用ください。センター内10ドル以上のお買い上げで、最初の1時間無料、2時間まで2ドル、3時間まで4ドルでご利用いただけます。3時間以降は通常の駐車料金が適用されます。最大3時間まで無料となるカマアイナとミリタリーの割引料金もご利用いただけます。詳しくは、ウェブサイトJP.RoyalHawaiianCenter.comをご覧ください。 |
ロイヤル・ハワイアン・センターについて ワイキキのカラカウア通り沿いに高級ブランドのフラッグシップからローカルブランドまで、90店以上の個性豊かなショップやレストラン、フードコートが揃うワイキキ最大のショッピングセンター。ロイヤル・ハワイアン・センターはかつてハワイの王族の住んだ歴史ある土地“ヘルモア”に建っています。センターの営業時間は現在、毎日午前11時から午後9時まで。レストランの営業時間は店舗によって異なります。センターの最新情報は、、、Twitter/RoyalHwnCtrJP、、 をご覧ください。お電話での問い合わせ先:ヘルモアハレ・ゲストサービス (808) 922-2299 |