American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update December 9th 2022

Check out Our 5,7,10 year ARM Rate – Starting from 4.625%
Core, annual and month-over-month Producer Price Index numbers came in higher than expected.
PPI is well below the 11.7% peak seen in March 2022.
Fed Meeting on Tuesday & Wednesday 13th and 14th.
It is expected that the short-term Fed Funds Rate will increase by 50bp to a range of 4.25 to 4.50%
Jumbo Rate – 5.375% / 5,7,10ARM Rate – 4.625%
前月比の生産者物価指数の数値は、予想よりも高く2022 年 3 月に見られた 11.7% のピークを大幅に下回った。
12月13 日と 14 日の(火曜日と水曜日)に Fed の会合。
短期の Fed Funds Rate は 50bp 上昇し、4.25 ~ 4.50% の範囲になると予想されている。
水曜日、米国 10 年債利回りは2022 年 10 月 4 日以来の3.67% に低下。
米国の住宅建設は 10 月に急激に落ち込み、一戸建てプロジェクトは 2 年半ぶりの低水準に落ち込んだ。住宅着工件数は4.2%減少
10 月の生産者物価指数 (PPI) は予想よりも下回った。予想 0.4% に対して 0.2% 。
前年比は予想の 8.3% に対して 8% で、8.4% から低下。
Our HELOC Promotional Rate : (application deadline 12/19/2022)
4.75% for the first 5 years
Fixed Rate Equity Loan Option: (application deadline 12/19/2022)
5.25% for 10 years
5.75% for 20 years
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$970,801 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。
Jumbo Rate – 5.375%
5,7,10ARM Rate – 4.875%
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |
American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update November 18th, 2022

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!
Check out Our Jumbo Rate – Starting from 5.375% 5,7,10 year ARM Rate – Starting from 4.875%
On Wednesday, US 10 year Note Yield slipped to 3.67% (First since October 4th 2022)
U.S. homebuilding fell sharply in October, with single-family projects dropping to the lowest level in nearly 2.5 years.
Housing starts decreased 4.2%
The October Producer Price Index(PPI) was softer than expected at 0.2% versus 0.4% expected. The year over year rate was 8% versus 8.3% expected and down from 8.4%.
水曜日、米国 10 年債利回りは2022 年 10 月 4 日以来の3.67% に低下。
米国の住宅建設は 10 月に急激に落ち込み、一戸建てプロジェクトは 2 年半ぶりの低水準に落ち込んだ。
10 月の生産者物価指数 (PPI) は予想よりも下回った。予想 0.4% に対して 0.2% 。
前年比は予想の 8.3% に対して 8% で、8.4% から低下。
Our HELOC Promotional Rate : (application deadline 12/4/2022)
4.50% for the first 5 years
Fixed Rate Equity Loan Option: (application deadline 12/4/2022)
5.50% for 15 years
5.75% for 20 years
弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$970,801 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。
Jumbo Rate – 5.375%
5,7,10ARM Rate – 4.875%
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |
American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update October 28, 2022

Mortgage rates came down this week as the 10-yr Note closed at 4.02% after touching 4.25% on Monday.
Q3 2022 GDP rose 2.6% from -0.6% in Q2 but the inflation reading Price Index fell to 4.1% from 9.1%
Traders are pricing in a more than 80% chance of another 75 basis point hike on November 1st & 2nd two-day meeting.
米国10 年債は、月曜日に 4.25% に達した後、金曜日は、4.02% で引けた為に、住宅ローン金利も今週は下落。
2022 年第 3 四半期の GDP は第 2 四半期の -0.6% から 2.6% 上昇。
トレーダーは、11 月 1 日と 2 日の 2 日間のFED会合でさらに 75 ベーシス ポイントの利上げが行われる可能性が 80% 以上あると予想している。
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$970,801 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |
American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update October 21, 2022

Mortgage rate kept going up as US 10 Year Yield traded up to 4.20% on Thursday, and closed at 4.21% on Friday.
Housing Starts fell 8.1% from August to an annual rate of 1.439M units versus the 1.475M expected.
Building Permits, a sign of future construction, rose 1.4% to 1.564M versus 1.530M expected
Earlier Friday, the yen slid to 151.94 yen, the lowest level in about 32 years since July 1990, against the dollar on the view that the U.S. Federal Reserve will continue with its aggressive interest rate hikes to tame rising inflation. But it later advanced by more than 5 yen to 146.20. U.S. market prompted speculation that Japanese authorities may have conducted another yen-buying, dollar-selling market intervention.
9月の住宅着工件数は 8 月から 8.1% 減少し、予想されていた 年換算147万5000戸を下回り 143万9000戸にとどまる。
建設の兆候である建築許可は、予想された 153万戸より 1.4% 上回る 156万4000戸であった。
21日午前のニューヨーク外国為替市場では、米長期金利の上昇を眺めて円売り・ドル買いが広がり円相場は1ドル=151円台半ばに下落した。一時151円94銭を付け、1990年7月以来約32年ぶりの安値を更新し、 146円台まで一気に5円程度の円高・ドル安が進んだ。
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$970,801 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |
American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update October 14, 2022

The mortgage rate has been climbing as the 10-year yield hit 4.08% on Thursday and closed at 4.00% on Friday ( Highest closing level since October 2008.)
The September CPI(consumer-price index ) data saw the annual Core number rise to 6.6%, the highest since 1982, and Dow down nearly 600 points on Thursday.
September Retail Sales were unchanged.
米国債10 年、利回りが木曜日に 4.08% に達し、金曜日には 4.00% で取引を終えた(2008 年 10 月以来の最高水)為に、 住宅ローン金利も更に上昇。
ドル円は、32年ぶりの安値更新 1ドル= 148円86銭
9 月の CPI (消費者物価指数) データでは、年間コア数が 1982 年以来最高の 6.6% に上昇し、ダウは木曜日に 600 ポイント近く下落。
9 月の小売販売は変動なし。
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$970,801 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |
Historical conventional 30 year fixed Mortgage rate & Median sale price trends August 2022 in Hawaii

6% – Highest rate Since April 2009
Here are the Median Sale Price Trends for All Counties – August 2022
- The single family residence (SFR) Median Sale Price increased 7.19% from the month of August 2021.
- The SFR Median Sale Price increased slightly at 1.58% from July 2022.
- There were 314 closed SFR sales in August 2022 – a decrease of 26.12% from the month of August 2021
- The number of SFR closed sales in August 2022 has a slight increase of 0.64% from July 2022.
– The condominium Median Sale Price had a slight decrease of 0.30% from the month of August 2021.
– The condominium Median Sale Price decreased slightly at 0.30% from July 2022.
– There were 508 closed condominium sales in August 2022 – a decrease of -24.74% from the month of August 2021.
– The number of condominium closed sales in August 2022 has a slight decrease of 1.93% from July 2022.
The Median Sale Price for SFR’s decreased 5.88% from the month of August 2021 and had a larger decrease of 10.79% from July 2022.
The Median Sale Price for condominiums increased 26.64% from the month of August 2021 and had a smaller increase of 3.86% from July 2022. There were large decreases in number of sales for both SFR’s and condominiums from the month of August 2021 but were relatively stable from July 2022.
The Median Sale Price for SFR’s decreased 2.02% from the month of August 2021 but increased 6.59% from July 2022. The condominium Median Sale Prices decreased 24.62% from the month of August 2021 and decreased 16.67 from July 2022.
The Number of sales on Kauai is generally low, therefore, there’s usually more volatility in data. The SFR Median Sale Price increased 5.16% from the month of August 2021 but decreased 19.85% from July 2022. The condominium Median Sale Price increased by 3.77% from the month of August 2021 but decreased 48.14% from July 2022.
American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update October 7, 2022

Hope you had a wonderful Columbus day weekend!
The Unemployment Rate fell to 3.5% from 3.7%, total unemployed declined to 6.7% from 7%.
US 10 year note yield has been 3.60 – 3.90% range and mortgage rate are unchanged from last week.
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |