American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update Jun. 2

Mortgage rate went down after the Senate passed the debt bill.
US 10-year Note went down to 3.61% on Thursday compared to 3.80% last week. Closed at 3.69% on Friday.
The unemployment rate ticked up to 3.7% as the number of unemployed persons rose by 440,000 to 6.1 million while the number of job losers and persons who completed temporary jobs increased by 318,000 to 3.0 million in May.
Total unemployed, or the U6 number, inched higher to 6.7% from 6.6%
On the Fed front, Fed Fund Futures are showing a near 70% chance of a pause at next month’s Fed meeting
1% off of their points!! for Essential WORKERS (now available) Educational Professionals, Fire & EMT, Medical Professionals, Federal, State& Local Government Law Enforcement Professionals, Active or Former Military!!
Our HELOC Promotional Rate: (application deadline 06/06/2023)
6.42% for the first 5 years
Fixed Rate Equity Loan Option: (application deadline 06/06/2023)
6.50 % for 10 years
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. | |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. | |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |
American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update May. 26

Happy Memorial Day!
The House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that The White House and Republicans have agreed in principle on a deal to raise the debt ceiling on Sunday.
Mortgage had gone up as US 10-year note went up to 3.83% on Friday. (Highest since Mar 9, 2023)
The April Core PCE(Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index) rose a tenth of a percent to 4.7% year over year and a tenth above expectations
Jobless Claims came in at 229K versus the 250K expected
金曜日には米国の10年債が3.83%に上昇するなど、住宅ローンも上昇していた。 (2023年3月9日以来の最高値)
1% off of their points!! for Essential WORKERS (now available) Educational Professionals, Fire & EMT, Medical Professionals, Federal, State& Local Government Law Enforcement Professionals, Active or Former Military!!
Our HELOC Promotional Rate: (application deadline 06/06/2023)
6.50% for the first 5 years
Fixed Rate Equity Loan Option: (application deadline 06/06/2023)
6.00 % for 10 years
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. | |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. | |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |
American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update May. 19

Mortgage rate has risen as US 10-year Note went up to 3.70%(highest since March 10, 2023) due to the debt ceiling uncertainty and fears of a possible rate hike in next month.
There is a 40% chance of a hike next month.
April Housing Starts rose 2.2% from March to an annual rate of 1.401M versus 1.40M expected though March was revised lower to 1.371M from 1.420M.
Building Permits, a sign of future construction, fell 1.5% to 1.416M versus 1.437M expected.
米国債務上限問題(イエレン財務長官、「税収見通しからみて、米国の債務上限額(Debt Ceiling)である31.4兆ドルを6月1日にも突破する」と表明。
1% off of their points!! for Essential WORKERS (now available) Educational Professionals, Fire & EMT, Medical Professionals, Federal, State& Local Government Law Enforcement Professionals, Active or Former Military!!
Our HELOC Promotional Rate: (application deadline 05/22/2023)
6.50% for the first 5 years
Fixed Rate Equity Loan Option: (application deadline 05/22/2023)
6.00 % for 10 years
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. | |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. | |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |
American Savings Bank Weekly Mortgage Rates Update Mar. 10th.

US 2-year Treasury note fell sharply (46 basis points over a two – day period) on Friday as the shutdown of Sillicon Valley Bank.
We have not seen the sudden decline since September 2008.
10 Year Treasury Rate on Friday dropped to 3.70%, compared to 3.93% on Thursday.
Weekly Initial Jobless Claims rose 21K to 211K in the latest week and above the 195K expected
311K jobs were created in February while monthly hourly earnings declined, manufacturing jobs were lost and the unemployment rate ticked higher.
シリコンバレー銀行の閉鎖を受けて、米国の 2年物国債は金曜日に急落. (2 日間で 46 ベーシス ポイント下落)。2008 年 9 月以来の下げ幅
金曜日の 10 年国債利回りは、木曜日の 3.93% から 3.70% に下落した
毎週の最初の失業保険申請件数は、直近の週で 21,000 から 211,000 に増加し、予想されていた 195,000 を上回った。
2 月分雇用統計は、雇用者数は、前月比 31万 1,000 人増したが月間賃金は減少し、失業率は悪化している。
1% off of their points!! for Educational Professionals, Fire & EMT, Medical Professionals, Federal, State& Local Government Law Enforcement Professionals, Active or Former Military !!
Our HELOC Promotional Rate: (application deadline 03/15/2023)
5.35% for the first 5 years
Fixed Rate Equity Loan Option: (application deadline 03/15/2023)
5.50% for 10 years
6.00% for 20 years
Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well
弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$970,801 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。
Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today!
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです
* Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant. |
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant. |
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant. |