Local June 1, 2022

ホーリー・グレイル・ドーナツの新フラッグシップ店 インターナショナル・ドーナツ・デーの6月3日にグランドオープン

ホノルル、ハワイ 5/31/2022


Hojicha Unicorn

Hojicha Unicorn (ほうじ茶ユニコーン)

イベントは午前7時からスタート。「ほうじ茶ユニコーン」と命名された新しいドーナツが、当日の来店者すべてに無料プレゼントされます。 Bravo TVのトップシェフに出演したシェフ・メイ・リンが考案したこのフレーバーは、ココナッツオイルで揚げた特製タロドーナツの上に、バニラビーンとほうじ茶のグレーズをかけ、レインボー・スプリンクルをトッピングしたドーナツです。







ホーリー・グレイル・ドーナツのフラッグシップ店は、ホールフーズ・マーケット・クイーンのマカイサイド(海側)入口向かいのクイーン・ストリート1001番地(1001 Queen St.)にあります。営業時間は、日曜日〜木曜日が午前7時〜午後5時まで、金曜日&土曜日は午前7時〜午後9時までとなります。パーキングは、ホールフーズ・マーケット・クイーン、または同店のすぐ前にあるワード・エンターテインメント・センターの無料駐車場の利用が可能です。

詳細は、のWebサイト( https://www.holeygraildonuts.com )、または電話(808)482-0311にてご確認ください。




Financing June 1, 2022

American Saving Bank Mortgage Rates Update 5/27/22

Happy Memorial Day!

As the US 10-year yield has fallen to 2.74% (Beginning of April level) on Friday, 30 year fixed conventional loan rate came down to 4.375%.
Portfolio 7 year ARM is at 3.375%.

Q2 2022 GDP came in at -1.5% versus -1.3% expected

Consumer spending was strong in April, rising 0.7% on an inflation-adjusted basis.

Weekly Initial Jobless Claims fell to 210K from 218K




2022年第2四半期のGDPは-1.5% (予想は-1.3%)


We have special pricings for developer units only for A’alii
Special rate for Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment / Fico 740 above

BELOW CURRENT MARKET –    Funds are limited.

Developer Units for A’aliiを居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上、 クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。

2nd Home   0.25 points more
Investment  0.25% more to the rate. (Points are the same)

We have special pricings for Koa Ridge
Special rate for Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment / Fico 740 above / Loan amount below $970,800
Koa Ridgeを居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上、クレジットスコア740以上ローン額$970,800以下のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。
BELOW CURRENT MARKET –    Funds are limited.

2nd Home & Investment (US Citizen or Green Card holder) at least 25% down payment / Fico 740


Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well

ハワイ州のConfirming Loan リミットが2022年から$970,800(1Unit)に変更になります。
2022年から$970,801以上のローン金額がJUBMO LOANになります。

弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$822,376 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。


Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today (ASB金利レート) !
(Rate will be updated around noon every day/毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです。)

ASB金利レート: https://www.asbhawaii.com/personal/mortgage-rates
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです


Please stay healthy and be safe!

Kiyomi “Kiki” Kise  



  * Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant.
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant.
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant.

Local May 25, 2022

ロイヤル・ハワイアン・センター最新情報 コロナ以降にオープン、リニューアルした新店舗まとめ








サンフランシスコで生まれたセレブにも人気の親子ファッションブランド「Kira Kids」がハワイにオープンしたブティック。日本でも愛されているキャラクターのミッフィーとのコラボアイテムやハワイ限定デザインなど、お土産やギフトにもぴったりのアイテムを多数扱っています。肌触りの柔らかい上質なオーガニックコットンを使用したベビー&子供服、レディースTシャツ、キャラクターグッズ、バッグ、アクセサリー、インテリア、ステーショナリーなど、親子でのショッピングやお揃いのファッションを楽しめます。



「ハワイの美味しいものを全部」をコンセプトに、ローカル⾷材を使⽤したハワイの人気グルメやスイーツ、ドリンクなどを提供する個性的な店舗が集まるフードホール。サーフボードやウォールアートで飾られた店内は、ハワイらしい鮮やかな色調と活気に満ちた開放感のある空間で、窓の外に広がるグリーンを眺めながらカジュアルなダイニングを楽しめます。5月からは、毎週金曜日の16:30~18:30にライブミュージックの「アロハ・フライデー カニカピラ」をスタート!ネイサン・ナヒヌと様々なゲストによるハワイアンミュージックの心地よいサウンドを、注文を受けてから作るポーたまむすび、ガーリックシュリンププレート、アメリカンなステーキやハンバーガーなど、インスタ映えするスイーツやドリンク、そして2ドルのクラフトビールとともにどうぞ。









アメリカのスニーカー業界において絶大な影響力を持つコレクター/デザイナーのロニー・フィグが手掛けるニューヨーク発のブランド。2階建てのハワイのフラッグシップでは、メンズ、レディース、キッズのKITHアパレルやアクセサリー、キュレートされたフットウェアなどを扱っています。リテールに併設されたシリアルバー&アイスクリームパーラー「KITH Treats」では、好きなシリアルをのせて作る「Build Your Own」アイスクリームやミルクシェイク、クリーミーなフルーツアイスバーのクリームシクルなどのデザートを販売しています。




















レストラン サントリー







をご覧ください。お電話での問い合わせ先:ヘルモアハレ・ゲストサービス (808) 922-2299
Local May 25, 2022


~The first and only Krug Ambassador restaurant
in Hawaii will source truffles from around the world~

HONOLULU – The truffle-centric restaurant Margotto e Baciare from Japan expands its concept to the islands with the opening of Margotto Hawaii on May 20, 2022.  Boasting an executive chef with a pedigree working in the kitchens of some of the leading three-Michelin-starred establishments in Tokyo, an impressive roster of coveted vintage wines, and the first and only Krug Ambassador restaurant status in Hawaii, Margotto Hawaii exemplifies luxury with degustation menus that assimilate the finest global ingredients with Hawaii’s bounty, kissed by aromatic shavings of the finest seasonal truffles sourced from around the world.

Helming the kitchen is Group Executive Chef Kenta Kayama, a shokunin (artisan who dedicates one’s entire life to a particular craft) with savoir-faire trained in the kitchens of three-Michelin-starred Kanda and Quintessence.  With the knowledge gained working under esteemed chefs Hiroyuki Kanda and Shuzo Kishida, as well as other luminaries including Joël Robuchon and Ryuta Izuka of Ryuzu, Kayama crafts an impeccable experience seamlessly integrating Japanese, French, and Italian culinary disciplines.

Margotto Hawaii offers a choice of three different coursed menus:  a prix fixe menu of 4-5 courses for $80, a signature degustation of 10-11 courses for $100, and a chef’s tasting menu “The Margotto” of 10-11 courses for $150.  Once patrons determine their menus, they will be recommended to purchase, at an additional cost, a truffle based on weight, to be shaved atop courses as desired.  The market price of the seasonal truffles sourced from around the world is subject to factors such as harvest and ease of access and therefore will fluctuate throughout the year, generally ranging from $15 to $5,000 per delicacy.  Two other supplemental options are offered for an additional charge: a signature caviar monaka (+$30)–delicate pearls of Osietra sandwiched with creme fraiche between two crisply thin concave Japanese wafers made from mochi and paper thin slices of prosciutto (+$30) shaved by an imported Berkel slicer.

To pair with dinner, Margotto Hawaii offers a wide range of wines from the world’s top producers.  The manicured list is replete with Bordeaux and Burgundy, but also encompasses the expansive gamut of other extremely rare French, Italian, and Spanish wines of limited production.  The collection exceeding 20,000 vintage bottles is mostly cellared in Europe, but a number of selections will be shipped in from time to time to keep the wine list constantly engaging.  The new establishment, designated as the first and only Krug Ambassador restaurant in Hawaii, offers an impressive selection of Krug Champagnes at unprecedentedly appealing prices, with exclusively curated pairing events hosted from time to time.  Throughout the month of June, Margotto Hawaii is offering a Grand Opening Special of a glass of Krug Grand Cuvee #169 accompanied by paper thin slices of Prosciutto di Parma for just $50 per person, a perfect precursor to the sojourn of blissful gastronomy.


The interior mimics its Nishi-Azabu flagship with ivory walls punctuated by a few facades painted in crimson donning signature metallic moons in gold or silver.  Artwork by Pablo Parece of Paris, Giorgio Celiberti of Udine, and local artists Saumolia and Tiffany Kidani adorn the 1,264-square-foot space furnished with charcoal-cushioned seats situated around tables cloaked in white linens that accommodate up to 60 guests, which includes a private room for 10.

“Our Tokyo restaurant was blessed with many patrons seeking the luxuries of a truffle-laden meal as an escape from the harsh realities of the pandemic,” says Kazutomo “Robert” Hori, owner of Margotto e Baciare.  “Now, we want the people of Hawaii to also enjoy an occasionally lavish dinner as a personal reward for themselves, but at approachable prices.”

Margotto Hawaii is located at 514 Piikoi Street, between Ichiriki and El Burrito.  The restaurant will be open from 5:00 to 10:30 p.m. Thursday through Tuesday, closed Wednesdays.  A few parking stalls are available adjacent to the restaurant, with street parking conveniently located nearby.  Attire is resort casual, with shirt and footwear required.

For more information

Financing May 25, 2022

American Saving Bank Mortgage Rates Update 5/20/22

As the US 10-year yield has fallen to 2.78% (April 27th level) on Friday, 30 year fixed conventional loan rate came down to 4.50%.
Portfolio 7 year ARM is at 3.50%.

Weekly Initial Jobless Claims rose to 218K from 197K
First Quarter 2022 GDP was a negative 1.4%.
April Housing Starts fell 0.2% from March to an annual rate of 1.724M units
Building Permits  dropped 3.2% to 1.819M
Building material costs are up 19% from a year ago



4月の住宅着工数は3月から0.2%減少。 建築許可は3.2%減少


Malina at Koa Ridge Phase V (FINAL Phase) Application deadline is on May 25, 2022.

Affordable project by Castle & Cooke Homes Hawaii, Inc.
I can help first time home buyer who  would like to get pre-qualified.

Castle & Cooke Homes Hawaii, Inc.によるアフォーダブルプロジェクト

More information :https://www.castlecookehawaii.com/Page/Malina-Affordable-Housing


We have special pricings for developer units only for A’alii
Special rate for Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment / Fico 740 above

BELOW CURRENT MARKET –    Funds are limited.

Developer Units for A’aliiを居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上、 クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。

We have special pricings for Koa Ridge
Special rate for Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment / Fico 740 above / Loan amount below $970,800

BELOW CURRENT MARKET –    Funds are limited.

Koa Ridgeを居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上、クレジットスコア740以上ローン額$970,800以下のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。

Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well

ハワイ州のConfirming Loan リミットが2022年から$970,800(1Unit)に変更になります。
2022年から$970,801以上のローン金額がJUBMO LOANになります。

弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$822,376 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。


Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today (ASB金利レート) !
(Rate will be updated around noon every day/毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです。)

ASB金利レート: https://www.asbhawaii.com/personal/mortgage-rates
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです


Please stay healthy and be safe!

Kiyomi “Kiki” Kise  



  * Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant.
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant.
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant.

Market Trends May 17, 2022

April 2022 Local Market Update

April 2022 Local Market Update. Please let me know if you need to know further more.
2022年4月のローカルマーケット情報! 詳しくはお問合せください。





Financing May 17, 2022

American Saving Bank Mortgage Rates Update 5/13/22

Conventional 30 year fixed rate dropped to 4.625% from 4.875% last Friday as US 10 year note closed at 2.93% on Friday.

The consumer inflation reading CPI for April rose 0.3% month over month
Year over year, CPI rose 8.3% versus 8.1% expected and down from 8.5% in March.
Food prices are up nearly 10% annually while energy is up 30%





We have special pricings for developer units only for A’alii –  special rate for Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment / Fico 740 above
BELOW CURRENT MARKET –    Funds are limited.

Developer Units for A’aliiを居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上、 クレジットスコア740以上のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。

We have special pricings for Koa Ridge –  special rate for Owner Occupied buyers with at least 20% down payment / Fico 740 above / Loan amount below $970,800
BELOW CURRENT MARKET –    Funds are limited.

Koa Ridgeを居住物件で購入、頭金―20%以上、クレジットスコア740以上ローン額$970,800以下のお客様に限り下記の金利をご用意しております。

Our Jumbo loan, we can go loan amount up to $2.75 M now.
Jumbo loan, we can do for 10 % down with MI or with 2nd mortgage as well

ハワイ州のConfirming Loan リミットが2022年から$970,800(1Unit)に変更になります。
2022年から$970,801以上のローン金額がJUBMO LOANになります。

弊社のジャンボローン(ローン額$822,376 以上)が、$2,75Mまでローンが組めるようになりました。


Following rates are for purchase, please contact me for re-financing rate.
Check out our mortgage rates today (ASB金利レート) !
(Rate will be updated around noon every day/毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです。)

ASB金利レート: https://www.asbhawaii.com/personal/mortgage-rates
(毎日、昼12時頃に更新されます 注意:PURHCASEプライシングです


Please stay healthy and be safe!

Kiyomi “Kiki” Kise  



  * Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $750,000 with 20% down for a borrower with credit score 740+ as an owner – occupant.
** Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase for $1,100,000 with 25% down for a borrower with credit scores 760+ as an owner- occupant.
**** VA Rates & APR based on a single family home purchase of $600,000 with 0% down for a borrower with credit scores 700+ as an owner- occupant.

Local May 10, 2022


HONOLULU – After cultivating a dedicated fan base over the past four years, Holey Grail Donuts will open its Honolulu flagship store at Ae’o in Ward Village. A community preview day on Friday, May 13 will kick off operations for Holey Grail’s first permanent brick-and-mortar location showcasing a series of new initiatives. The festivities will culminate in a grand opening celebration, also open to the general public, on National Donut Day, Friday, June 3, 2022.

Everyone is invited to the community preview of Holey Grail Donut’s new Honolulu flagship store on Friday, May 13, from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m with live music.  All the exciting new offerings will be available to enjoy, including an expanded selection of rotating donuts to offer eight flavor choices daily, a special 9-pack box enabling patrons to choose their own flavors, and a new ube milk and ube latte available on tap. Each patron will be given a complimentary L&L Donut of meyer lemon sugar, Tahitian lime curd, and citrus caviar to enjoy.

Then, on Friday, June 3, Holey Grail Donuts will invite the public to join in its grand opening celebration which will be a party people will not want to miss.  More details to come soon.


“Our donut cathedral was designed and built in partnership with Swinerton Builders, Orbe Architecture, and green builder Orion Stanbro. The space brings us back to the roots of our journey in Hanalei by gathering community and exploring local ingredients, music, and art,” shares Nile Dreiling, co-founder of Holey Grail Donuts. “Two parallel curves balance the circular space, creating a canvas for Oahu artist Chris Miyashiro’s mural featuring symbols representing Hawaiian agriculture, flora, and art and the evolution of our donuts with a kapa cloth design. You will see and be a part of the creation of our donuts and beverages in this open-concept space, highlighting our culinary approach that distinguishes us from every other donut shop in the world.”


Holey Grail Donut’s Honolulu Flagship Store is located at 1001 Queen Street, on the Makai (ocean side) entrance to Whole Foods Market Queen.  The store will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.  Ample free parking is available in the Whole Foods Market Queen parking garage, or in the Ward Entertainment Center immediately fronting the Holey Grail Donuts.


For more information, visit the website at https://www.holeygraildonuts.com/, or call (808) 482-0311.  For press inquiries, please contact Sean M. Morris at 8888.sean@gmail.com.


About Holey Grail Donuts

Founded by brother and sister team, Nile and Hana Dreiling, in early 2018, Holey Grail began as a “Sunday Ritual” out of a little red hamburger trailer in Hanalei on the island of Kauai.  This ritual quickly developed a cultish following which led to 45+ minute waits, live DJs, and people lining up at 6:30 a.m. on a Sunday to try the donuts.  They started with a $100 fryer, a “Reincarnated” donut, and a quest to create the world’s most delicious donut experience.

Local May 10, 2022




















をご覧ください。お電話での問い合わせ先:ヘルモアハレ・ゲストサービス (808) 922-2299 



Market Trends May 10, 2022

Market Stats Update -April 2022

Please let me know if you need to know further more